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Public Notice for Permit Application for Phoenix Industrial Park


Supply chain warehouse illustration

Scheduled Activities Permit Application as per Section 6(1) of the Scheduled Activities Bylaw

Notice is hereby given that an application will be made by Unilever SA (Pty) Ltd in terms of the above-mentioned Bylaws to Mr. Poobalan Gilbert of the eThekwini Municipality for authority to use 166 Hunslet Road (ERF 306 of Phoenix Industrial Park), Phoenix Industrial Park for conducting the following listed activity/ies listed in Schedule 1 of the Bylaws:

Chemical product processing, including any process involving a chemical reaction and welding

Any person desiring to object to the use of the premises for such purposes may do so within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of publication of this notice by lodging a written notice setting out their names, contact details, addresses and the grounds of their objection with:

Authorised Official: Poobalan Gilbert

Address: 9/11 Elfgrove, Stanmore, Phoenix

Contact Number: 031 -3229867 / 031-3229873


Company details for objection



Copies of the application notice are published in a local newspaper is available for public comment.

And hardcopies at the following places:

Local Library

Sizakala Centre

Office of the Ward Councillor

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