Global footprint and reach
- 190countrieswhere our products are sold
- 4.4 million retail storesserved by distributors in top 10 emerging markets
- €59.6 billionturnover in 2023with 58% in emerging markets
Iconic global and local brands
- 3.4 billionpeople use our products every day
- ~75%of turnoverfrom our 30 Power Brands
- €8.6 billionspendon Brand and Marketing Investment
Engaged and diverse talent base
- 128,000 peopleemployed by Unilever worldwide
- 84%engagement scorein UniVoice employee survey
- 55%of our managersare women
Digital and technology-enabled operations
- 57,000suppliersin around 150 countries
- 280+factoriesoperated by Unilever
- 23 millioncustomer ordersserviced
Differentiated science and technology
- €949 millionspendon Research and Development
- 20,000+patentsprotecting our discoveries and breakthrough innovations
- €1.8 billionincremental turnoverfrom innovations
Deep sustainability expertise
- AAA-2023 ratingin CDP Forests, Water and Climate
- 74%reductionin GHG emissions in our operations since 2015
- 1.9 millionSMEsuse our digital platforms to help grow their businesses
We are Unilever South Africa
- 90+yearsof Doing Good
- Historic Innovators
- William Leverthe founder of Lever Brothers, registered the Sunlight trademark in South Africa (SA)
- #1Top Employer in Africa